Fashion can make value and an ethical business action can become a competitive factor. During the conference entitled“Creativity”, many textile and clothing businessmen, creatives and designers talked about this concept and its different implications for enterprises.
In this name there is the deep meaning of the initiative. The event, sponsored by ICEA (Institut for Ethical and Environmental Certification), occurred in Milan, on April, Thursday 17th , at Palazzo Giureconsulti. CANGIARI participated and explained, thanks to its brandexperiences, what might be the importance of ethics, combined also with innovation and sustainability, in order to grow and become known in the market.
At the event, besides CANGIARI, there were: Antonio Marras, Giusy Bettoni di C.L.A.S.S., Filippo Servalli for RadiciGroup, Chiaretto Calò forMiroglio Textile and Rossella Ravagli for GUCCI.
On behalf of istitutions and industry associations: Antonio Franceschini for CNA Federmoda, Claudio Marenzi for SMI, Valter Molinaro for COOP Lombardia, Stefania Pomante for Filctem- CGIL, Domenico Sturabotti forSYMBOLA, Mattero Bartolomeo for AVANZI sostenibilità per azioni and Francesca Romana Rinaldi for SDA Bocconi.